07 December 2012


This month I will be doing an experiment. I will record exactly what I spend on my food, how much is organic and exactly what I eat. I will also be keeping a workout log, but I don’t know if that will be relevant data; I don’t consume that much more food despite working out a lot, except when I swim, and I am not doing too much of that because I am currently training distance running for an upcoming 135-mile ultramarathon. When I write up my findings, I will decide how much of the raw data to publish so as to not loose readability.

I decided to start this on Wednesday, December 5, so it won’t cover a full month. Some food I already had in the house. Some food I stock. It will account for the fact that I am interpreting for four and half days next week, and three of them include a non-organic lunch. As I will not be in my home city, I will be seeing friends next week too, so probably spending more eating out and more foods that are rather unhealthy. It will include the frozen yogurt I bought today as well as the rather hearty lunches I’ve come to fix for myself of late. It will include the meals others buy for me too.

My hypothesis is that I actually only spend as much on my monthly food as the average Brazilian office worker who eats out every single lunch. Yes, preparation may take a bit longer (although I do batches of rice, beans, soup, etc. and freeze in individual-size portions), but I guarantee I eat a very varied and very healthy and rather eco-friendly diet, all things considered.

Feel free to take a guess at how much I spend each month on food in the comments section or on Facebook. The local winner gets a home-cooked meal on me. Winners from abroad get… something… lemme think on it.

Lastly, take a few moments to watch this very inspiring speech (click here) by a ninety-three year old guy who pumps iron and could probably put many half his age to shame. Obviously, healthy food factors into his talk.


  1. About R$700... I am thinking a vegetable based diet with no supplements or "special items"...

  2. Anonymous7:27 PM


  3. Hmm... who is Forbidden Force?
